The Best Methods To Warm Up A Sex Doll
Why Warming Up A Sex Doll Is Important
The sex doll’s body temperature often resembles that in the room and sometimes even lower than that since it cannot handle heat. For many users, the sensation and experience they’d have with the doll is ruined by its cold temperature. And it can lead to difficulties in enjoying themselves and relaxing.
The cold is also associated with loneliness, and users purchase these dolls for the opposite effect. Once the doll is warmed, it can produce a more realistic experience and enhance satisfaction. A warm sex doll has a significant impact on the user’s intimacy.
The Best Methods To Warm Up A Sex Doll
How to warm up a sex doll, and is it safe to do it considering the material used? There are a few methods you can try. These are perfectly safe and already tested, so you don’t have to worry as long as you’re gentle. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions if there are any.
Warming Rod
These devices also heat the doll from the inside. They look like sticks that are put into the sex doll’s openings of your choice. This is the best way to warm up a TPE sex doll out of each outside sex doll body warmer method.
The TPE material can easily be destroyed if exposed to hot temperatures or different materials. So you’ll need to set up the warming rod according to the manual’s instructions and carefully follow the required time for the process.
Electric Blanket
One of the safe ways to warm up a tpe sex doll is using electric blankets. These are easily accessible and work perfectly fine. The difference between the built-in heating system and the other methods is the fact that the first one warms the doll from the inside, and the heating blankets warm it from the outside. This means that it may take a little longer to warm up the doll, but at the same time, it will cool down faster.
Wrap your doll in the electric blanket and watch out for the heating temperature. After a while, you’ll have a warm sex doll for greater satisfaction.
Warm Baths
There is an ongoing discussion around the question: Can you warm up sex dolls with a bath, and will it be effective and safe?
Warm baths are effective, but you’ll need to keep two things in mind:
- Do not use hot water, as it can damage the doll and tear up the material
- Watch out for any electronics your doll might have – do not leave those parts of the doll’s body underwater.
After warming the doll and using it, ensure it’s fully dry before storing it.
Warming Lube
Another sex doll body warmer is a specific lube with a warming characteristic. You can use a warming lube to warm up your sex doll’s openings as well as the whole body. These lubes include weakened forms of camphor and menthol – substances that warm up efficiently when in touch with a human body’s skin. But make sure you’re using a water-based lubricant to avoid material deterioration.